Mount Homework Forever Shall Be

In spring of 2016 I transferred to Mount Holyoke College as a first semester Junior. I knew the workload would be heavier than what I had experienced during the first two years of my undergraduate studies, but I couldn’t resist the call of the castle-like library, the school’s nearly two hundred year history, or the astounding assortment of classes offered across the Five College Consortium.


The Mount Holyoke College Library, January 2016

After four semesters and two museum internships I have constructed a model Neolithic Irish hut, started learning two new languages (and one new alphabet), co-authored a NAGPRA repatriation proposal, co-curated an exhibit and helped install two others, been in the same room as a lock of Emily Dickinson’s hair (twice), dug my first test pit at an archaeological site, formed friendships with wonderful people from around the world, and gained numerous grey hairs.


Neolithic Irish Hut, mid-thatching, constructed by my friend and myself with help from classmates as a final project for our course on Ancient Ireland.

While attending Mount Holyoke, my costuming projects have been few and far between. I finally finished the dress for the Susan B. Anthony Birthplace Museum in fall of 2016, after a few roadblocks and delays.


The past three summers have seen me rushing through cosplay construction in preparation for Connecticon, a fan-run convention held in Hartford.


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And finally, despite my heavy homework load, I did manage to throw together Halloween costumes at the last minute. In 2016 my friends helped me to create a steampunk character who worked as a librarian by day and an interfaith exorcist by night. Last year I attended the Mount Holyoke “Get Your Geek On” Halloween dance dressed as Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle, complete with a Calcifer prop.


Iced tea bottle, Sharpies, and a little acrylic paint

Now that I have graduated with my B.A. I have decided to take on more ambitious projects. First on the list is a mid-19th century corset, followed by all accompanying undergarments. I have black and green silk begging to become a Civil War Era dress, but before I can begin I need to make period underpinnings to create the proper silhouette.


Progress on the corset so far – still trying to adjust the pattern matching.

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